“Ay Pepa, Que historia la tuya!” 2012
In Compañía Pepa Molina we conceive dance to be that element of communication able to make us reflect and be moved by transmitting emotions. We are conscious that creation allows us to go back in time and have wanted to listen to the voice of the past to help us understand the present. To celebrate the bicentennial Spanish constitution of 1,812 (The third Constitution in the World) was a true pleasure for us.
On the one hand it moved us and on the other we desired to submerge ourselves in that convulse time, participate in understanding it and be fascinated by the profits and advances obtained.
After treating exile and immigration in “Neither here nore there”, on this ocasion we wanted to recover part of our historical memory with a production that has much to do with what we are today.
In “¡Ay Pepa! What a history yours”, we will narrate the events that took place around the promulgation of the Spanish Constitution of 1,812 with the protagonists who took part in it, men and women, since these had a determining part in this process.
Another of the reasons that impels us to make this project is to recover songs, dances and music of the period: regional dances,
Spanish dance, mainly flamenco and the “bolera” school. For this we will use two languages: dance and puppet theater .
They allow us to tell this history of treaties, pacts and distributions, invasions, treasons, a history of victories and defeats, with beds that seem battlefields, and battles that finish in bed, of riots, abdications and ambiguous nominations. A history of parades… that we are going to tell dancing. But we do not want to advance events. Nothing is more absurd than to try to defeat the past. Let it be explained…
Ay Pepa is supported by:

Choreography & Dance Cristian Martín, Pepa Molina
Flamenco Singer Eva Durán
Musical Compositión Award winning Flamenco Gutarist – José Luis Montón
Latin Grammy Award winning classical guitarist – David González
Flamenco guitar José Luis Montón
Classical guitar David González
Flute Juan Carlos Saracil
Percussion Sergio Martínez y Rafael Casado
Percussive clapping Morena Fernández
Recorded Music Grupo musical Francisco de Goya
Theatre Director David Picazo
Spoken Word- award winning writer – Use Lahoz
Set design, props & Puppet theatre Design Manuel Barco
Puppet theatre Construction C. M. Desman
Costume design Yaiza Pinillos
Costume design confection Gabriel Besa
Costume design confection & confection for Puppets Mercedes Jiménez
Lighting design Gloria Montesinos
Stage manager Lucía Mancheño
Art work M. B. Villar
Sound engineer Quique Cabañas
Voices (Actors) Rafael Núñez, Sergio Macias, Manuel Barco
Studio sound engineer Rimshot
Graphic Design Luis Pérez
Photography Emilio Tenorio
Production Assistants Carolina Barco, Antonio Casado
Ay Pepa is supported by:

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Ay Pepa - Diario de Teruel 21-08-2012 (58.8 KiB, 1,518 hits)
Ay Pepa - San Agustin culture magazine 01-04-2012 (685.8 KiB, 6,012 hits)
Ay Pepa - San Agustin 02-09-2012 (264.3 KiB, 1,381 hits)
Ay Pepa - CDC 01-06-2012 (1.5 MiB, 1,647 hits)
Ay Pepa - Danza eter 02-09-2012 (236.9 KiB, 6,242 hits)
Ay Pepa - Danza eter 02-09-2012 (1.5 MiB, 1,592 hits)
Ay Pepa - De Flamenco 10 - 02 - 2010 (1.3 MiB, 1,583 hits)
Ay Pepa - Danza eter 26-05-2012 (305.6 KiB, 1,615 hits)